Thursday, February 18, 2010

Broadcasting Entertainment Events

WWE’s key is to create and broadcast entertainment events to a diverse variety of fans globally. In the early 80’s – late 80’s WWE’s main audience target market was under 25 years of age. As years past the audience target market increased to early 30’s to late 40’s. In the 1990’s, WWE introduced a new line of video games, such as PlayStation and Xbox 360, with colorful characters and changing content aimed at attracting the young fans (pre-teens to late teens).

In 2000, WWE’s agenda was to bring in an ethnically diverse audience introducing the Spanish market and the Japanese market. This is where the WWE captured the age range of mid-teens to late 20’s. Today, WWE is still trying to keep its programming as family oriented has possible with a PG rating. The television audience under 18 years old is still low at 21% and the audience over 50 years old is at 30%. While the digital audience early 20’s to late 20’s is 70%. The target market will continue to change and younger audiences will lose televised interest, but will gain new computerized technology – digital programming.

February 17th, 2010
MAR100, 123

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